Benefits of load balancing of your websites

 Benefits of load balancing of your websites:

Load balancing is the process used to distribute the incoming network traffic across multiple backend servers. It is also known as server form and server pool. It prevents  server overload and maintains a healthy amount of activity on each server. In load balancing you can easily scale up or scale down your servers depending on the demand.

The three main functions of load balancer are.

  •  Distributes the incoming requests or network load efficiently.

  •  Ensuring reliability and high availability.

  •  Providing flexibility depends on the demand.

Benefits of load balancing:

1. Improve the scalability of your websites.

Every website has a primary goal to attract more viewers and build your customer pool. Your customers are the heart of your business. However, the sudden spike can attack your server and force the site to crash. The load balancer can detect incoming traffic and distribute efficiently on your servers.

2. Improve productivity & avoid downtime.

If a company is located in one place, it’s easier to schedule maintenance because it has only  one time zone. But, Global businesses with different time zones need to implement load  balancing on their servers so they're not facing any issues on work disruptions in any location.  Load balancing enables your company to shut down any server for maintenance and distribute  the incoming traffic to other servers.

3. Automatic transfer of traffic to available servers.

If traffic is sent to two or more web servers, and one server goes to fail, the load balancer will automatically transfer the traffic to the other working server. Load balancer can reduce the impact of hardware failure and improve your website’s overall uptime. If you maintain multiple load-balanced servers, will always be online to handle website traffic.

 4. Flexibility during maintenance

Flexibility means an administrator can perform several maintenance tasks on web servers without impacting the website’s uptime. During the maintenance  at least one server is always available to pick up the workload while the other servers are undergoing the maintenance process. All traffic can be redirected to one server while the load balancer is in active mode.

5. Security

A load balancer can provide multiple layers of security to your website without any changes to your application. The load balancer is used by the Web Application Firewall (WAF) to protect your website from hackers. The load balancer before granting access to your website can request a username and password to protect against unauthorized access. It can also detect and drop DDOS traffic before it gets to your website. A load balancer can also simplify compliance with the PCI rules.

6. Performance

Load balancers can optimize traffic for a better user experience and reduce the load on your web servers . A load balancer can improve the availability of your website and giving a better experience to your users. It will retain a copy of frequently accessed elements and quickly deliver to users and it uses HTTP 2.0 to communicate with clients even if not supported by your web servers.

7. Resilience

If one of your web servers is busy, the load balancer will detect this and redirect traffic to other idle web servers. A Load balancer can transparently accommodate failed and under-performing components to maintain user service. A Load balancer can be deployed in highly available pairs so that if one fails, the other load balancer immediately takes over with no impact on users.


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